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A (bio)diverse world. Agro-biodiversity in a changing world

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A (bio)diverse world. Agro-biodiversity in a changing world
Concept note

Date and time:         May, 6th (10:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.)
Location:                  Cascina Triulza, Auditorium (Expo Milan 2015)
Format:                                 Conference

Over the years the practice of broadsense agriculture, that is plants and livestock rising for human benefit, has changed the paradigm of biodiversity into the one of agrobiodiversity. This diversity is not static, but changes over time according to different factors. The most important one is mankind, who modifies agrobiodiversity patterns through farming practices and consumer choices.
The event “A (bio)diverse world. Agro-biodiversity in a changing world” is meant to deepen the interaction among the factors influencing the change in agrobiodiversity and understand the complexity of relationships existing between the various disciplines related to its study.
For example, varieties’ selection and products’ processing are influenced by different actors such as farmers, nutritionists, economists, food safety experts and policy makers. However, consumers have no direct perception and knowledge of all the factors involved in the supply chain, nor of the ethical implications that their choices may have on agrobiodiversity in the long term.
The first session of the event is dedicated to the drivers of agrobiodiversity. Speakers will briefly illustrate the history of the plants that make up our diet and how these plants have changed over time. The cultivated diversity changes are not only depending on consumers’ preferences, but also under the influence of climate change, a phenomenon that could endanger the connection between biodiversity and traditional farming. Moreover, the complex interactions between production and marketing chains may have far-reaching impacts on mankind.
In the second session speakers will analyze the link between man and agro-biodiversity and in particular the sustainability of our food choices from an environmental, social and economic points of view. Consumer preferences of today deeply affect agrobiodiversity of tomorrow, thus it is important to promote informed consumer choices. Other topics such as the reintroduction of lost traditional varieties and the impact of a growing increase in animal products’ consumption will also be covered.
A final insight will be dedicated to ethic issues relevant to research and science which are fundamental ingredients of a future (bio)diverse world.

May 6th

10.30 a.m. - 10.50 a.m.           Greeting and introductory remarks


10.50 a.m. - 11.05 a.m.            The fascinating history of the plants that feed us: Domenico Pignone, CNR – National Research Council
11.05 a.m. - 11.20 a.m.            Biodiversity for food and nutrition: Camila Neves Soares Oliveira, Ministry of Environment, Brazil
11.20 a.m. - 11.35 a.m.            Climate change and invasive species, with particularly reference to vineyards and olive: Luigi Ponti, ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
11.35 a.m. - 11.50 a.m.            Agricultural systems during crisis: Andrea Di Vecchia, CNR – National Research Council
11.50 a.m. - 12.05 a.m.            Agrobiodiversity in metropolitan areas: Carlo Blasi, University of Rome “La Sapienza
12.05 a.m. - 12.20 a.m.            Mainstreamed agriculture versus wild and underutilized species and varieties for nutrition: Ruth Charrondiere, FAO
12.20 a.m. - 13.10 a.m.           Roundtable


2.30 p.m. – 2.45 p.m.               Is the Mediterranean Diet a model sustainable food? Roberto Capone, IAMB - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
2.45 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.               The role of farmers in a healthy production, between the market and society: Federica Colucci, ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
3.00 p.m. - 3.15 p.m.               Biodiversity in a basket. Policies to support a biodiverse diet: Danny Hunter, Bioversity International
3.15 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.               The reintroduction of biodiversity. The role of the ex-situ: Antonella Canini, University of Rome “Tor Vergata
3.30 p.m. - 3.45 p.m.               The consumer of animal origin products: Pasqualino Santori, CBV - Bioethics Veterinary Committee
3.45 p.m. - 4.10 p.m.              Roundtable


4.10 P.m. - 4.25 P.m.               Committee on Research Ethics and Bioethics of the National Research Council: Melina De Caro, LUISS University
4.25 p.m. - 4.40 p.m.            National Bioethics Committee: Cinzia Caporale, CNR – National Research Council
4.40 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.              Conclusions

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