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CNRxEXPO Social Media Strategy

by 11:30:00 1 commenti
Expo 2015: Lessons learned
24th - 25th November, DiSBA Annual Conference

The CNRxEXPO Project
Francesco Loreto: DiSBA / CNR Director
Rosanna Mabilia: DiSBA / CNR
Gianbattista Brignone: URP / CNR Director
Maria Vittoria Ponzanelli, Digital PR CNRxEXPO

M.V. Ponzanelli, The CNRxEXPO Project: CNRxEXPO Social Media Strategy,
"Expo 2015: Lessons learned", DiSBA annual conference, Milan, 24th - 25th november 2015.

CNR for EXPO social media strategy was focused on online engagement, in order to increase the presence of the National Council of Research of Italy on internet, to create a community of readers interested in research topics.

Engagement, you know, is the ability to hold the attention of an individual / or to induce an individual to participate in some sort of activity.

I read on the web an appropriate description of online engagement: is “the gravity that holds an audience in orbit around a brand”. This description clearly explain what happens.

Starting from the official site CNRxEXPO, we set up a satellite blog CNR Expo Lab, designed as something easy-to-use, to allow the researchers to manage independently the publication of promotional articles for their events; in order to valorize the scientific contents and offer to the readers new tools of understanding.

Above all, a blog where it was possible to take advantage of SEO optimization techniques, in order to produce the greater spread as possible of the topics of the National Council of Research of Italy events in Expo, on internet and in the media.

At the same time with the blog, we created 30 twitter accounts specific for each event; in some cases managed by the same researchers.

These accounts were interconnected with the two principals twitter accounts (@cnrxexpo and @cnrexpolab) which were the hub of CNR for Expo news dissemination on Social Media.

30 twitter accounts means: 30 voices, 30 scientific topics and 30 hashtags – that worked together to disseminate information about the events in Expo, and built a network of readers interested in science.

As well as #VivaioRicerca, the hashtag created by the Italian Pavilion to index on internet the scientific partnership with the National Research Council of Italy, there were added 30 hashtags more specific for each events.

In some cases, the results have been surprising: because it's through the use of hashtags that is possible to observe and monitoring the readers engagement, during a conference and after on the web.

Internet offers a large number of free tools to disseminate information. Social Media is just the tip of the iceberg, of a communication system based on the exponential multiplication of data.

That's why the communication strategy of CNR for EXPO on Social Media bet on twitter.
Because twitter, more than any other social media, allows unfiltered dissemination of information from the news to the reader, who is at the same time the producer and the consumer of the information.

Communication Strategy Team

Roberto Reali, DiSBA – CNR
Lorenzo Amato, CNR – IMAA
Maria Vittoria Ponzanelli, Digital PR CNRxEXPO

Blog Authors

CNR Expo Lab
CNR Mondo BioDiverso
CNR Med Diet Expo2015
CNR Art Food Science
CNR Behind Obesity
CNR Vite2Vino
CNR Pescato Sicuro
CNR Agricoltura di Precisione
CNR Consumo Suolo
CNR Global Food Secutity
CNR Fame di Acqua
CNR Biochar
CNR The New Farm
CNR Bioraffineria
CNR Cooperation Tech
CNR Desertificazione
CNR Emergency Water
CNR Food Metrology

Twitter Accounts


Credits: #graphmention by CNR DISIT unifi

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